Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Oil Painting

Had an idea for a photo whilst cooking dinner last night....Mix some water with oil and see what patterns you can make.

I had some chilli oil laying around (as you do) so put some in to a glass and here are a few of the resulting pictures.

As usual, click on the images to enlarge.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Spring Is Here

A bit lacking on posts recently as I have been busy and haven't had much time to get out and about with the camera.

Well, the clocks have changed and the weather has taken a turn for the better (although I hear it's going to start to get worse again now!!) and spring is definitely here as my body has informed me with the sneezing and runny nose - how I love hay fever!!

Here are a couple of spring time photos that I managed to catch in between the sneezes!!

As usual, click on the images to enlarge.