Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Rude Animal Origami

A couple of us at work in the past have had an interest in origami (mainly modular). We spent many a lunchtime folding paper to make various models.

Here are some of our creations...

Modular Origami Creations

Jen, our receptionist from New Zealand who sadly (we are missing her smiling face already) left us to return home last week also took a keen interest in this ancient Japanese art form and gave us a really good present when she left.

So we went to work on putting together one of the creations from the book and it had to be the cover shot :-D

Well done Jen, good luck in NZ, keep in touch and make sure you come and see us when you come back.

Friday, 19 October 2007

Data Stack!

Had a big clear out at work yesterday while looking for some CDs. It's amazing how many old floppy disks (both 3.5" and 5.25" varieties) that we used in the old days.

With all the CDs, DVDs and USB disks and drives these days the once useful floppy is well and truly extinct! I'm all for the new age of technology as everything is so very much quicker than it used to be but you can't help slightly reminiscing about these things!

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Countdown to Christmas

With the supermarket shelves stocked with festive goodies, it's difficult to miss that Christmas is just around the corner.

I'm finding it hard to believe that's it's nearly a year since last Christmas and how quickly this year has flown by.

Looking forward to getting another real tree this just can't beat the smell of a freshly cut Christmas tree to put you in a festive mood.