At first I thought that it was just a hedgehog trying to get in the rubbish but when I popped my head over the fence a startled deer was looking back at me before it bolted and tried to jump a 12' wall (which it failed). The garden next door is completely enclosed and surrounded by high walls and fences so I've no idea how the young stag got in to the garden.
I decided to go inside so I didn't scare it more than I had already but did manage to take a quick shot from a bedroom window.
By this point it was about 1.30am and I didn't really want to knock and wake up the neighbours so decided to leave it till morning as it couldn't come to any harm in the garden.
When I got up this morning and looked out the window there was a broken plant pot next door, a knocked over pot my side and my back gate was open. There were also droppings on my decking which weren't there last night. I can only imagine that it vaulted the fence over in to my garden (which is a good 6' high from their side) and then somehow opened the gate which was latched!!! What a clever creature!
I spoke to next door this morning and they had noticed the broken pot but hadn't heard a thing the night before and were amazed at what I saw as we are not really in too much of a rural location here. I'll print them a copy of the photo to keep.

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