I have been doing a few projects recently that have involved some requested photo retouching / airbrushing. I use both Photoshop and Paintshop Pro so experimented with different techniques in each until I came up with something that I was fairly happy with.
This process does differ depending on the photo but I now use a general routine for the smoothing out of skin without making the subject look fake and also trying to keep the important details.
I was looking for a model but as no one was available I had to take a quick snapshot of myself to work on. After a long weekend and lots of late nights, a retouch was just what I needed!!!
Here is the before shot, straight out of the camera.

Here is the same shot again after some retouching.

Click on the images to enlarge as the differences are more noticeable.
Here are the steps that I look to achieve this.
Opened the original image in Photoshop and removed any blemishes with the spot healing toolDuplicated the background layer and applied the dust and scratches filter with a radius of about 3 pixels and a threshold of 0Applied a gaussian blur with a radius of about 1.4 pixelsApplied some texture to the image by using the add noise filter (1%)Added a layer mask revealing all and filled the mask with blackSet the colour to white and used a paintbrush to brush in the new smooth skinLightened up the areas around the eyes and brightened up the eyes themselvesApplied some adjustment layers (curves and colour balance)This technique does seem to work better on photos of women but then we are used to them having much smoother skin than us guys anyway :)