So, it's has been a while since I posted. It's actually been over a month so I've really been slipping this time....sorry folks. I aim to start posting a bit more regularly again (time permitting!).
Anyway, along with work and the other things that keep most of us busy, I have recently done my first wedding shoot! It was for some good friends and although somewhat stressful at times during the day and a lot of work on the computer after the event I have learnt a lot and hopefully ended up with a good album of pictures that they will like.
I'm not going to post any pictures of the actual wedding here until the happy couple have seen them (they are still off enjoying their honeymoon) but I did take the shot below of the invitation to use as a Wedding photo DVD cover so will share that one.

For any of you who are thinking (or have been asked) to do your first wedding shoot I will follow this post up in the next week or so with some of the problems I had, mistakes I made and tips that may be useful so watch this space.