This might be useful to you if you are thinking of doing your first wedding shoot.
Venue - I found that it was well worth visiting the venue before the wedding day to take some sample shots (of the bride and groom if possible). This will give you some idea of the space available and the different backgrounds that can be utilised. It will also give the prospective bride and groom a chance to see how the scene looks in pictures and make choices on where they would like the photos taken. Also, think about where the photographs will be taken if the weather is bad on the wedding day as it was on the wedding shoot that I did (it rained for most of the day)!
Tripod - If you have one then it's worth using. I had to do most of the formal shots indoors. Also a quick tip - make sure you set it up and it's level before you start taking the shots. Mine was slightly off level and although it's easy enough to straighten up the pictures whilst processing it will save you a job if it's right at the time!
Lenses - You're more than likely not going to have time to change lenses, especially during the formal shoot so go with a good all rounder.
Cropping - If you're like me and most of your photographs are used online then you'd probably be more used to cropping to common screen resolution sizes rather than print sizes. I spent a lot of time re-converting my original RAW images and re-cropping photos after making this error initially! Photos that are likely to be printed need to be cropped to a print size ratio (such as 7x5"). If you just hand a printer a copy of all your shots straight from the camera then they will be cropped during the printing process and you may end up with important bits missing!
File Format - If you have a camera which will shoot in RAW format then that's the way to go. The photographs will take up more space on your memory cards and will take longer to process after the day but you will be able to make many more adjustments after the event which is great as you probably will not have time to review each shot in great detail in real time.
I hope that this post has been of use to any prospective amateur wedding photographers. I've got another wedding to shoot later in the year so I will be putting these things in to practice then.
Here are a few photos from my first wedding shoot...