The test involved uploading the photograph below to both Flickr and Zooomr. The picture had the same title and tags on both sites and was not added to any sets or groups.

A week has now passed so here are the results.
Flickr Stats (my Flickr pics)
Views: 13
Favorite: 0
Flickr Contacts: 90
Zooomr Stats (my Zooomr pics)
Views: 39
Favorite: 2
Zooomr Contacts: 30
As you can see I've had 3 times more views on Zooomr even though I've only got of third of the contacts that I have on Flickr. Also, 2 people consider the photo one of their favorites.
I would have thought that the more contacts that you have the more views you would get as I'm always browsing through my contacts photos (especially on Flickr). Apparently that is not so! Either way, 39 views of a picture in a week is pretty poor which ever way you look at it :(
Zooomr does generate more traffic (well, to that picture anyway) but that may just be because the community is smaller or that particular picture was of more interest there than on Flickr. Either way, I will continue to post pictures to both sites and see how it goes.
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