Back in July 2007 when I started this blog (has it really been that long!!) I just wanted somewhere to post random photos, snapshots and phone camera pictures. Back then I had just upgraded from a 2 Megapixel
Canon Ixus V2 to a 5 Megapixel
Canon PowerShot S2. Since the latter part of 2008, I have entered the world of the
dSLR and procured various other photography equipment - Lenses, tripods, flashes, shutter remote, backgrounds, remote flashes to name but a few!
As time has progressed and I (hopefully) have progressed with my photography, my personal standards and expectations for my photos have risen and I now seem to spend more time thinking about, setting up and processing the photos. This is not a problem as I enjoy photography and the whole creative process that it involves but it does mean that more time has to be found for each shot and as a result I seem to be taking less and less photos for the blog.
With this in mind, I thought that it would be fun to go back to basics and create a sort of photo series so that I could have a theme and post some regular tongue in cheek shots to fill in the gaps between more time consuming projects.
Next I had to think of a subject for this and as if by chance I received a Strongman / Key Pete for Christmas so I thought this might make a neat little project of him holding various different items in his magnetic hand.
Here is Strongman as he was intended to be used - As a magnetic key holder.

Watch this space for more Strongman posts...